
Uag vmware horizon
Uag vmware horizon

The downside is that customers need to adapt to the usage of Instant Clones, which might need them to update their processes, making it time-consuming. This means that once the Template, Replica, and Parent (when not using Smart Provisioning) have been created, the creation of subsequent virtual desktops is a lot faster. Instant Clones deploy faster – While this doesn’t count for the initial deployment. An added benefit is that this saves you resources, a SQL database, and (multiple) Windows licenses. No more Composer server – This was also a single point of failure, as it had to run on a dedicated Windows machine with no option of making it highly available. Now every customer can make use of Instant Clones.

uag vmware horizon

Instant Clones are now part of all license editions of VMware Horizon – In the past, this was a feature only available for organizations with Horizon Enterprise edition. Check out this guide by VMware, which outlines different scenarios and their migration paths. If you are in the situation where you are still using Linked Clones and would like to know what your options are for a future state environment. However, in Horizon version 8.1 (2012), they have been removed entirely, and upgrading to this version (or anything newer) while having legacy components like the Composer or persistent disks in your environment won’t be possible. With Horizon 8.0 (2006) acting as a transition release, legacy components can still be used but must be migrated to modern solutions for future upgrades. Some features, like maintenance mode for desktops, have only been implemented recently.

uag vmware horizon

The Instant Clones format has been around for quite some time, and essential features, like vGPU support, have been implemented years ago. Organizations have been using Linked Clones for many years as their automated desktop pool format. Linked Clones are gone, and so is the Composer This post covers two significant changes in the VMware Horizon architecture and their pros and cons.

uag vmware horizon

While it does a solid job of explaining everything, products change, and so did VMware Horizon. There is an article in the Vembu blog section which describes the VMware Horizon architecture. How the VMware Horizon Architecture has changed

Uag vmware horizon